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KAF Expo "Once More, With Feeling" - 40 Jaar Land Art in Flevoland

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
KAF Almere

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Lekker veel publiek bij de opening

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Openingsperformance van Rory Pilgrim

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Openingsperformance van Rory Pilgrim

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Land Art Archief en foto's van Johannes Schwartz

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Land Art documontaire: overzicht van de 7 Land Art kunstwerken

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Richard Serra - Sea Level in Zeewolde

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Richard Serra - Sea Level met interventie van Maria Pask / Dilatation

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Robert Morris - Observatorium met interventie van Zhana Ivanova / Predictions

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Piet Slegers, Aardzee en twee objecten van roestvrij staal

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Feiko Beckers interventie bij Piet Slegers Aardzee: Being Surprised Is Admittting You Were Wrong

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Marinus Boezem en zijn gotische kathedraal van Reims - hier van duivenvoer

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Marinus Boezem - De Groene Kathedraal met interventie van Melanie Bonajo / Biosphere

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Paul de Kort (Pier+Horizon) met Solve Et Coagula

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Paul de Kort (Pier+Horizon) met interventie van Cindy Moorman

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Paul de Kort (Pier+Horizon) met interventie van Cindy Moorman

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Paul de Kort (Pier+Horizon) met interventie van Cindy Moorman

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Daniel Libeskind - "Polderderland Garden of Love and Fire" met interventie van Rory Pilgrim "Affection is The Best Protection"

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Daniel Libeskind - "Polderderland Garden of Love and Fire" met interventie van Rory Pilgrim "Affection is The Best Protection"

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Daniel Libeskind - "Polderderland Garden of Love and Fire" met interventie van Rory Pilgrim "Affection is The Best Protection"

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Anty Gormley - Exposure met interventie van Gilles de Brock

 KAF Land Art Expo "Once More, With Feeling"
Antony Gormley - Exposure

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